Think Green
Live Green

Business As Usual Is Not Good Enough

The fast furniture model has emerged as the prevailing paradigm in outdoor
industry, prioritizing profits and supply chain efficiency over the well-being
of people and the planet. When we established Soleil Signature, we committed to
a higher standard because present-day enjoyment of outdoor spaces should not
compromise the ability of future generations to do the same.

Mindful Materials

We evaluate every element that goes into our products for durability, environmental
impact, and comfort. When the existing alternatives fail to meet our exceptionally high standards, we engage in innovation and develop our own solutions.

Circular Design

We prioritize the complete lifecycle of our products, crafting pieces that are not only durable but also recyclable to minimize waste.

Altruistic Partnerships

The farmers, craftspeople, and manufacturers with whom we work hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. We ensure that the people behind Soleil Signature receive fair wages, comprehensive healthcare benefits, and a secure working environment.